Home-built confocal Raman microscope for undergraduate laboratory course

The ”inelastic scattering of light”, or Raman effect, was observed in practice for the first time already in 1928 by C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930. Raman spectroscopy has become a popular analytical tool because of its ability to probe nondestructively and provide fingerprint information about materials. Recently, Raman spectroscopy has begun to realize its potential as an almost universally applicable analytical technique, not only in material and life science research applications, but also as a process control tool in, for instance, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, chemical and agricultural industries. The introduction of Raman spectroscopy analysis in the educational curriculum helps the students learn the spectroscopy basics. Furthermore, component-wise familiarization and fabrication training will help the students to evolve their own methodologies to fabricate and customize the instrument for specific applications. Though many Raman spectrometers are commercially available, the high cost (e.g. ¥1 million) makes it unaffordable for most academic institutions.

There are six key parts for Raman instrument: microscope with high quality illumination, stable laser with short line width (e.g.  below 0.1 nm), high quality edge filter, high quality spectrometer, deep-cooled CCD and software. How to develop a low-cost Raman setup (e.g. less than ¥ 20,000) but keep high sensitivity (e.g. performance much closed to high end scientific Raman instrument), it is still a big challenge.


There are some features in our home-built laser microscopic Raman spectrometer:

1. We develop 532 nm  DPSS laser pointer with our home built constant current source and TEC cooler with temperature control, the temperature sensor is LM35.

2. Spectrometer is based on CCTV lens with 100 mm focal length and 1200 g/mm blazed grating.

3. ILX554B linear CCD detector (2048 pixel, 14 μm x 56 μm) is controlled with our home-built driver, TEC 12706 is used for cooling to reduce dark noise, the temperature sensor is LM35. when cooled temperature near or below zero degree/ 0 °C, the water vapor condensation problem need be solved.


4. The optical shutter is based on servo motor, the variable optical attenuator is based on stepper motor and photoelectric reset sensor.

5.  Software.

We used labVIEW to communicate with Teensy 3.2 board /72 MHz,  the Teensy board controlled the shutter (based on servo motor) , the laser density filter set (12 step, 100% to 0.05%, base on stepper motor with photoelectric reset sensor), the temperature of laser and CCD, the CCD driver and CCD signal collection.


Below showed some performance with our setup:
the 2TO  band (transverse optical phonon, 900-1000 cm-1) can be seen at higher excitation power, as this peak is about 40x weaker than 520 cm-1, its signal is easy buried in thermal background.

This home-built Raman system is under further improvement. For example, (1) the dark current noise of CCD need be further reduced with deep cooling, we just curious how to push the performance of  this setup closed to the high-end scientific Raman spectrometer. (2) develop several laser with narrow linewidths (e.g. 1 MHz) and high spectral purity (e.g. 80 dB) based on the stable temperature control. (3) develop more functions.


1st updated time: 2022-06-04

Here is some new result of the performance of  our home-built Raman system.

2nd updated time: 2022-11-12





I-V converter /TIA design

Transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is a current to voltage converter, it is useful for the requirement to convert the low-level current of a sensor to a voltage. The TIA can be used to amplify the current output of Photodiode, photo multiplier tubes/PMT, Avalanche photodiode/APD, laser power meter, conductivity, tunneling current/STM and other types of sensors to a usable voltage. In its simplest form a TIA has just a large valued feedback resistor, Rf. The gain of the amplifer is set by this resistor.

The performance, in terms of response or bandwidth, in terms of peaking or overshoot, and in terms of noise or SNR, is an extremely complicated, nonlinear, and highly interacting function of:

  • the feedback resistor
  • the source capacitance
  • the desire bandwidth, gain factor and noise level /SNR
  • the selection of op amp (Voltage/Current noise, input capacitance, GBP, offset)
  • the selection of component
  • the PCB design



Some useful information: 

  1.  Jerald Graeme, Photodiode Amplifiers—Op Amp Solutions
  2.  Bob Pease, Waht’s all this transimpedance amplifer stuff, Anyhow
  3.  Application Note from AD/Linear, TI, etc.


Here are two examples developed in our lab, to pushing the limits of performance for our home-built setup.

Example 1, Special TIA design for home-built high performance CE-C4D:


Example 2, Special TIA design for home-built high performance PHI:



Update time: 2021-11-20

Home-built laser power meter

Laser power meters are an essential equipment for anyone working with lasers. It will be capable of measuring powers from 10s of nW to 10s of mW. To make a precision power meter, two issues need to be concerned carefully. First, the large dynamic range of power is the primary challenge to designing the instrument. Second, the photo sensitivity (A/W) of photodiode is dependent on wavelength,  so a tight calibration for full spectral response is another challenge.


Home-built laser power meters, 1st version


  • Open source Arduino UNO, C language
  • 16 bit ADC with ADS1115, I2C
  • 128 x 64 OLED display, SH1106 , I2C
  • Silicon photodiode (300-1000 nm), diameter 5 mm
  • Photiode TIA design


Circuit design and performance test


Update time: 2021-11-19

Home-built HVPS for CE-C4D

In CE, ions are separated based on their mass to charge ratio (electrophoretic mobility) upon an applied electrical field. The separation mechanism only depends on the BGE composition, applied electrical field and intrinsic properties of the ions.

In general a CE system is composed of three major parts. These include (i) the separation capillary, (ii) the high voltage power supply (HVPS)–this is the driving element common in all separations and (iii) a detector with appropriate data acquisition (DAQ) supporting electronics. This makes CE much more do-it-yourself (DIY) friendly, either with conventional capillaries or on microchip format.

A reliable HVPS is crucial to perform both separations and electrokinetic injection. The separation in terms of repeatability of the migration times can to a large extent depend on the HVPS quality. Several well-established companies sell both the ready to use HVPS and HVPS modules for the researchers to build their own instrumental parts. In particular EMCO, Spellman and Dongwen/China. Here, we try to build our own HVPS setup.

Typically, HVPS can apply up to ±30 kV and ±300 μA if designed for standard CE. Note that low power HVPS are sufficient for CE with currents in the microampere range.


Home-built HVPS for CE-C4D

Key feature:

  • High Voltage output (typically 0 – ±15 kV, 30 kV available)
  • Positive or negative polarity
  • Output Voltage controlling by external voltage
  • Output Voltage monitor
  • Output Current monitor
  • Overcurrent protection
  • Compact design
  • User-friendly

Circuit design

Performance test


Update time: 2021-11-18

Home-built lock-in amplifier module

Lock-in amplifiers (LIA) are capable of measuring the amplitude and the phase of a signal relative to a defined reference signal, even if the signal is entirely buried in noise, it is vital important for extreme weak signal (e.g. 10 nV) detection. The lock-in detection technique is described both in the time and in the frequency domain.

It uses the knowledge about a signal’s time dependence to extract it from a noisy background, this method is termed demodulation or phase sensitive detection. A lock-in amplifier performs a multiplication of its input with a reference signal, also sometimes called  heterodyne/homodyne detection, and then applies an adjustable low-pass filter to the result.  LIA looks like a extreme sharp bandpass filter, the Q value up to 10^6, so it is easy to isolate the signal at the frequency of interest from all other frequency components.


Home-built softwave digital lock-in amplifier
Frequency range: below 20 kHz (dependent on the speed of ADC )
Linear range: 1 μV to 10 V;  Noise level: 0.6 μV


Home-built Analog lock-in amplifier module

Frequency range: 300 kHz to 40 MHz
Linear range: 10 μV to 300mV;  Noise level: 4 μV
(This range will be extended by extra gain or attenuation)

High sensitivity CE-C4D detection with home-built Analog lock-in amplifier module

eDAQ vs Home-built instrument


Update time: 2021-11-18

Build your own website

  1.  Domain (购买域名,如.com, .cn, .site, .club, .top, .online, .love, .ltd, .vip, 约¥40/年)
  2.  Hosting(购买虚拟主机或服务器/国内主机需先备案,约¥150/年)
  3.  Install wordpress on hosting(安装wordpress,免费开源版)
  4.  Start you home page design, many plugins could be used. (网页设计布局,使用插件,免费版)
  5.  Option: IP  and SSL (可选购独立IP/方便搜索引擎检索,约¥100/年;可选购SSL加密,对应https,简易版仅¥1)
  6. Test and maintain your website (测试和维护)

We spent one week for this homepage, total price:  ¥200/year

Good Luck!