Home-built laser power meter

Laser power meters are an essential equipment for anyone working with lasers. It will be capable of measuring powers from 10s of nW to 10s of mW. To make a precision power meter, two issues need to be concerned carefully. First, the large dynamic range of power is the primary challenge to designing the instrument. Second, the photo sensitivity (A/W) of photodiode is dependent on wavelength,  so a tight calibration for full spectral response is another challenge.


Home-built laser power meters, 1st version


  • Open source Arduino UNO, C language
  • 16 bit ADC with ADS1115, I2C
  • 128 x 64 OLED display, SH1106 , I2C
  • Silicon photodiode (300-1000 nm), diameter 5 mm
  • Photiode TIA design


Circuit design and performance test


Update time: 2021-11-19

Posted in DIY.