1. Conventional setup
2. Home-built PHI seup (Upright & Bottom)
3. Home-built C4D/CE-C4D seup
4. Home-built Raman/Darkfield seup

5. Home-built SPR seup ( Angle-resolved spectroscopy )
6. Home-built tuning fork based SPM setup
7. Home-built Z atomic resolution optical microscope

Coming soon! Open-sharing platform.
New Mid-IR PHI, SRS (Stimulated Raman scattering) and TERS (tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) instrument.


1. Conventional setup

• Lock-in amplifier:
x1  SR865A (DC - 4 MHz); x1  SR844 (25 KHz - 200 MHz); Home-built lock-in module
• Signal Analyzer: N9020A Spectrum Analyzer (10 Hz to 3.6 GHz)
• Function Generator, Oscilloscope
x4  AFG1022 (Arbitrary function generator, 25 MHz)
x1  Oscilloscope:TBS1104 (4 CH); TBS1102 (2 CH); TDS3052B (2 CH, 0.5 GHz)
• DAQ: USB-6363, USB-6343, USB-6212, USB-6002 (x6);
Several 16 bit/24 bit ADC with Arduino
• XYZ piezo stage:
x1 P363.CD (5 x 5 x 5 μm, 0.1 nm resolution)
• Optical component:
x1 Nikon LV150 Dark-field Microscope, x1 Andor CCD and Spectrometer.
Laser: 633 nm, 532 nm, NKT Supercontinum white light laser

Supercontinum white light laser (instrument-sharing)

x1  FIU-15-PP  (Pulse repetition frequency :150 KHz to 78 MHz; Wavelength: 410 - 2400 nm)
x1  SuperK VARIA, Tunable wavelength (400-840 nm) Filter with variable bandwidth (10-100 nm)
x1  8 CH dual AOTF (VIS-NIR & IR); RF driver (independent control)


2. Home-built PHI setup

PHI/Raman/Darkfield (Upright & Bottom)

Special TIA design for PHI
(DC-AC separated)

Key Feature:
•  Two channel output (DC/AC)
•  Independent DC-AC gain
•  Independent passband design


3. Home-built high performance C4D/CE-C4D system

C4D: Capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (works with prof. Qiao-sheng Pu )

High performance home-built CE-C4D setup

Performance of
CE-C4D vs IC

IC:Ion Chromatography

200 nM trace ion detection

♦  CE-C4D的检出限/信噪比,可以与离子色谱仪媲美

♦  首次使CE-C4D方法,可满足痕量阴阳离子检测的国家标准

Software: Home-written LabVIEW program
for C4D/CE-C4D system


•  Linear/ Logarithmic frequency sweep
•  C4D/CE-C4D data acquisition, analysis
•  Control lock-in amplifier
•  Control dual channel function generator
•  Control the output of HVPS (KV for CE)


4. Home-built Raman/Darkfield setup

Key Feature:
•  633/532 nm fiber-based Raman system
•  Galvanometer based laser scanning
•  Darkfield illumination and spectroscopy


5. Home-built SPR setup (works with Bo-Wen Liu group)

Home-written LabVIEW program for SPR system
Angle-resolved spectroscopy & Refractive index sensing


6. Home-built Tuning fork based AFM/STM (under construction)

Tuning fork test: real amplitude


7. Home-built microscope with atomic z resolution for Spectro-EC (under construction)

Axial nanodisplacement measurement based on astigmatism

Update time: 2021-11-20
(last updated: 2020-10-27)